Plant Ecology pdf Notes 2023 | BS Botany 6th Semester

Plant Ecology pdf Notes 2023 | BS Botany 6th Semester.Plant Ecology pdf Notes 2023 | BS Botany 6th Semester.Plant Ecology pdf Notes | BS Botany 6th Semester.

What is classification of plant ecology?

The five ecological plants groups are: (1) Hydrophytes (2) Hygrophytes (3) Mesophytes (4) Xerophytes and (5) Halophytes.

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What is the difference between Mesophyte and xerophyte?

Mesophytes are plants terrestrial plants that live in an average supply of water.Xerophytes are plants that live in desserts.

What is difference between Guttation and transpiration?

Transpiration is the removal of water from the stomata present on the leaves.On the contrary, guttation is the process of removal of water from the hydathodes.

What is hydrophytes and epiphytes?


Hydrophytes during rainy season.


 Epiphytes are plants which grow perched on other plants.

Plant Ecology and Evolution is a diamond open access journal that publishes papers about ecology, phylogenetics, and systematics of all plant groups (including algae, fungi, and myxomycetes), also covering related fields such as comparative and developmental morphology, conservation biology, evolution, phytogeography, pollen and spores, population biology, and vegetation studies. Submissions concerning (sub)tropical Africa are particularly welcome.


Plant geography

Plants occur over Earth’s surface in well-defined patterns that are closely correlated with both climate and the history of the planet. Forests are the most important of these natural communities from the standpoint of area, carbon content, annual carbon fixation, the cycling of nutrient elements, and influence on energy and water budgets, as well as being the principal reservoir of biodiversity on land. The most extensive forests are the boreal coniferous forests of North America, Scandinavia, northern Europe, and northern Asia. The moist forests of the tropics are the most diverse, often containing as many as 100 species of trees per hectare (1 hectare = 2.47 acres) and occasionally many more.

Allegheny National Forest
NoSubjectCreditCourse CodeView
1 –Plant Ecology2+1=3BOt – 302Download – View
2 –Genetics2+1=3BOt – 304Download – View
3 –Plant Biochemistry2+1=3BOt – 306Download – View
4 –Plant Physiology2+1=3BOt – 306Download – View
5 –Plant Anatomy2+1=3BOt – 306Download – View