9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024 All Punjab Boards

English Past Papers

9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024 All Punjab Boards.9th Class 2024 Punjab Board Pairing Scheme, 9th Class Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2024, English Pairing Scheme 9th Class,9th Class English Pairing Scheme, Mathematics Pairing Scheme 9th Class 2024, English paper Pairing Scheme. Due To The Board Of Matric & Intermediate issue a smart Syllabus for the Shortage of Time There For this Year, the Students of Matric and InterMediate Should focus on the Smart Syllabus.9th Class English Pairing Scheme.

9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024


Q.1      (a)        Choose the correct verb and fill up the bubble.                                            5 marks

            (b)        Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble                                4 marks

            (c)        Choose the correct meanings of the underlined word and fill up the Bubble.                   5 marks

(d)        Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubble.                    5 marks

SUBJECTIVE PART                      

Q.2      Answer any five of the following questions.                                                   (2 x 5 = 10)

(66% Questions from Exercise 34 % from text)

Q.3      Translate any two of the following paragraphs into Urdu /Re-write into simple English ( From Text Book)                      (4 +4 = 8)

Q.4      Write down the summary of the poem. (From text Book)                                            5


Explain the stanza with reference to the context.

Q.5      Use any five words/Phrases/Idioms in your sentences.                                                5

Q.6      Write a letter or story or dialogue.                                                                                 8

Q.7      Read the passage and answer the questions at the end.                                             (2 x 5= 10)

Q.8      Translate any five sentences into English                                                        5

Q.9      Change the voice.                                                                                            5

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English Paper Pattern of 9th Class 2024

From the following table, you can get to know the paper pattern of the English 9th class according to Punjab Board examination in 2024:

Objective TypeSubjective Type
Total Marks19Total Marks56
Time Allowed20  minutesTime Allowed2:10 hrs
Number of MCQs19Number of Questions8
Distribution of MarksGroup of 5 MCQsDistribution of MarksAttempt 5 questions out of 8 from English Textbook having 10 marks
 Group of 4 MCQs Translate 2 paragraphs out of 3 OR rewrite in simple English having 8 marks
 Group of 5 MCQs The choice between Story and Paraphrasing having 5 marks
 Group of 5 MCQs 5 Phrases/Idioms out of 8 having 5 marks
Total19 MCQs The choice between Letter, Story, or Dialogue having 8 marks
   Passage comprehension having 10 marks
   Translate 5 sentences out of 8 OR Write 10 sentences on any topic having 5 marks
   Active Passive voice having 5 marks
  Total56 marks

Download English Pairing Scheme 9th Class

All Punjab Board Subject Wise 10th Class Pairing Scheme 2024 – Welcome all students who are looking for a new smart syllabus, matching plan, and 9th or 10th class pattern combination. All subject matching plans for the SSC Science Group or Art Group are available here. The annual examinations of all Bise committees of the Intermediate and Secondary Education Committee will be held in March/April.

View Online 9th Class English Pairing Scheme

Matric 9th 10th Class Pairing Scheme All subjects can be downloaded online without any problems.In this article, the info gear team will introduce you to the paper-based 9-level English and 9-level English matching program. This will be fruitful for candidates who take the board exam. The All Punjab Educational Board has approved a matching plan for English 9th Class subjects, which will apply to the upcoming 2024 board exam.

Exam 9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024

As the board exams are approaching so the students are required to do the preparation of the exams wholeheartedly by considering the paper scheme of english. English is often considered a difficult subject so in such cases it is beneficial for the students to go through the paper scheme at least once to prepare in a better way.

Smart Syllabus/ Short Syllabus 2024 pdf:

9th class short Syllabus l Smart Syllabus 2024Download
10th class short Syllabus l Smart Syllabus 2024Download
9th Class – Matric Class Pairing Scheme Punjab Boards (Science Group)
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