PM Orders New adjustment Relief Electricity Bills in October 2022

PM Orders New adjustment Relief Electricity Bills in October 2022.PM Orders New adjustment Relief Electricity Bills in October 2022.

PM orders adjustment of FAC relief in electricity bills within 24hrs

Electricity bill of around 16.6m people needs to be correct under the fuel adjustment charges announce by the govt

prime minister shehbaz sharif photo pid

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. PHOTO: PID


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday directed the power distribution companies to revise the electricity bills of up to 200 units within 24 hours, adjusting the relief under the fuel adjustment charge (FAC) announced by the government.

The premier chaired a high-level meeting to address the issues faced by the power consumers and constituted a committee on the issue.

“The staffers of the distribution companies should work round the clock to ensure the revision of electricity bills,” he said.

PM Shehbaz instructed the concerned authorities to cancel the leaves of all the staffers and present him a compliance report immediately and also ensure the execution of the relief measures announced by the government.

“The banks should also be direct to remain open in the coming days to enable the consumers to pay their revised electricity bills,” he added.

PM Orders New adjustment Relief Electricity Bills in October 2022

The meeting was told that the implementation of the relief package announced by the PM should be ensured. The electricity bills of around 16.6m are being corrected to provide them relief under the fuel price adjustment.

Speaking about inflated electricity bills, PM Shehbaz earlier say fuel adjustment charges – linked to international fuel prices – witnessed an exorbitant rise due to which additional charges were impose on the electricity bills.

“I took notice of this [inflated electricity bills] and on the instructions of [PML-N supremo] Mian Nawaz Sharif… we have decided to waive additional charges from the electricity bills of 17 million consumers out of a total 30 million,” the premier said.

He also directed an inquiry over the levy of increased sales tax ratio to shopkeepers and retailers in the electricity bills other than the agreed one.

PM Orders New adjustment Relief Electricity Bills

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has announced a big relief for common people by exempting more than half of the electricity consumers from Fuel Adjustment Charges.

Talking to media in Doha on Tuesday, he say there are around 30 million electricity consumers in Pakistan out of which 17.1 million will be exempt from the FAC, while a strategy to provide relief to rest of the users will also be evolve.

 Shehbaz Sharif said that 300,000 agricultural tube wells will also be exempt from the Fuel Adjustment Charges. He said Minister for Power Khurram Dastgir Khan will formally announce a mechanism in this regard.

The Prime Minister said FAC is link with the fluctuation in the prices of fuel in the international market. He said increased fuel prices in the international market in June this year led to higher electricity bills that month.

The Prime Minister said the government has already withdrawn fixed tax levied on traders. He say there will be gap of 42 billion rupees after repealing this tax and this gap will be fill through other means instead of burdening the small traders. He said this tax was levied on small businessmen to save them from blackmailing of various departments, but outcome of this taxation was not good.

Shehbaz Sharif said increasing traders’ problems is against the spirit and vision of the present government. He said a committee has been constituted to probe this matter and fix the responsibility.